Elmbank House

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Fused Glass from Cass Kiln Critters Karl Sew Happy Zoe Hand woven scarfs

Summer Mini Craft Fair at Elmbank

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June.

The Mini craft fair is back on. I hope the weather is great this time because there will be tea and scones in the garden in domes . The exhibitors will be in the house.

Several exhibitors were here at the Christmas Mini Fair so you will be able to meet some old friends.


Cass Peters Glass Art

Cass Peters, the glass artist, whose work was showcased in the exhibition, has her studio in Alexandria. In her studio Cass teaches fused and leaded glass techniques as well as repairing stained glass or creating commissioned new pieces. Cass Peters Glass Art website The 4 six foot tall glass sculptures she created for Dundee Botanic Gardens are now on display. The gardens are well worth a visit if you are in Dundee (Dundee University Botanic Gardens website)


Dundee Grief Memorial - Summer
Kiln Critters


"There is something magical about pottery. Starting with a formless lump of clay, which holds within itself anything your ability and imagination can produce, through the whole process of making, firing, glazing and firing again; before opening the kiln with bated breath to see what the unpredictable alchemy of fire will have created from your efforts. I've been doing this for around 3 years now, and will probably still be doing it in my dotage. There is, after all, no limit to the ways in which a kiln can produce critters! "

Lorna Mchardy at lornamchardy@gmail.com

Karl MacRae - He's Sew Happy

Design led contemporary embroidery artist, Working with cotton thread, water colour card ,vintage papers, gold/silver/copper leaf and coloured card creating one off pieces based on architecture, nature and portraiture

Karl Macrae at karlmacrae@me.com

Hand Decorates and Pebbles

Buthbren Designs

Based in Balfron, Zoe has been spinning for 40+ years, using natural fibers to produce hand woven and hand dyed scarves and shawls.

Zoe at at Buthbrendesigns@gmail.com

Panda Paws

Panda Paws will only be here on the Saturday

Jackie Bell at Jackiem.bell@sky.com

Panda Paws Exhibit

Sweet Treats

There will be a cake stall selling a variety of cakes.